What was your favourite childhood toy?

The Frenchman: Didn't have any, I was locked in a cupboard till I turned 18... Probably my train set, I still have it.
Aussielicious: Masters of the Universe
Little Boy Blue: A small suitcase - I still have it!
The Patient Man: My imagination.. but I was also fond of the new born chickens and puppies. They were great to play with.
Superchilled: Matchbox cars – I wouldn’t go into a toy store without asking for more.
What was your favourite childhood toy?
I had a stuffed toy that I called my lambie pie. It looked kind of like a baby lamb. I was maybe 2-3 years old when I got it and kept it around, well, I think my mom probably has only just now gotten rid of it (I am 51).
LEGO, not only I played with it, some 45 years ago, but my nephews too, its stored somewhere so their kids can play with it too... someday.
My little pony sea horse [I can't believe I just admited to it].
I didn't fritter away money on toys. I dressed a piece of wood and I was happy to have it.
I have never been able to choose one favorite.
I loved the sewing machine I had....it made great tracks of holes in paper.
Paper dolls were great...I could design new clothes for them.
Matchbox cars were lots of fun...I had quite the collection of them.
I had a nice collection of old fashioned marbles too.
I had one of those full size GI Joe's with his jeep and commando house. It was awesome! Now they only have those tiny plastic things.
An electric train set - which got stolen : rotten burglars !!
In order of cognitive development:
1. My stuffed panda bear, strangely enough called "Pandy" (Thanks 'Spamouflage' for breaking the ice on embarassing toy confessions!)
2. My suitcase of matchbox cars
3. Great pieces of old machinery that my dad would bring home from work for me to pull apart and put back together again.
Star Wars action figures, C-3P0 and R2-D2!!
I was more a reader and loved MR MEn books and the famous 5 books. As you can tell i was trying to escape:)
My Matchbox cars and trucks, my mom
worked for Disneyland and would bring me home a new one whenever
they would come in, my mom rocks
Iam 51 and still have all of them!
Hot Wheels cars and matchbox cat .
I still have most of them
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