The Frenchman: SLK!

Aussielicious: a red one.
Little Boy Blue: A convertible
The Patient Man: Range Rover. Unstoppable and really really really really good looking (said with a ‘zoolander’ influence).
Superchilled: A curvy old Mercedes convertible, with weathered wood and leather features.
What car would you be?
A Porsche 911.
Mazda MX5
a Deux Chevaux aka Citroen 2CV
Toyota Prius Hybrid ! Helping the environment
A nice reliable classic, Hilman Hunter for long drives in the country with a nice bottle of red and some good tunes.
A Red Mustang...
a 62 EJ holden cause i had one once and it was grrreat!
i'd be a cannondale mountain bike, handcrafted in the good ol' u s of a! dual suspension, with bar ends to jab anyone dumb enough to get in my way...does that count??
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