Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Today's Top 4

The top 4 lies told by a closeted gay man:

  • I’m too busy working/studying/looking after my disabled relative to have a girlfriend.
  • I just haven’t found the right woman.
  • Mum, this is my old school mate Thomas…
  • I’m off to the gym honey, I’ll be back in time to tuck in the kids…


T said...

gee this is right up my alley !!

Lies to the wife :
I have a meeting with a client which will run late
Nobody is taking their wives to the Conference [so I can play around while I am there]
Oh he dated some girl I knew at Uni [when you accidentally bump into a gay guy she has never met]
I am going to Easts to watch the rugby [when you are going to watch/drool over the Sydney Convicts]
I can't take the kids to sport as I have to work [on my gaydar profile]
I have decided to lose some weight [so I can go to the gym/swim and perve on the pretty bois ]

T said...
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