Sunday, 23 September 2007

1234Quiz 10

If you were stranded on a desert island (with enough food and water) what one thing would you choose to take with you? (excluding another person)

The Frenchman: a solar powered iPod.
Aussielicious: the knowledge not to be so pathetic i'd die.
Little Boy Blue: my camera.
The Patient Man: my laptop and enough batteries to run it till I got rescued... or decided to stay.
Superchilled: my swimming goggles.

What would you take?


Jessica said...

An unending supply of sunscreen lotion.

Speeding Bullett said...

Wine wine and more WINE

Sue said...

swim goggles

T said...

A 'portkey' : sorry you have to be a Harry Potter fan to get it.

Randy said...

My toothbrush. Duh!

Anonymous said...

Writing paper and crayons, so you still can write your feelings and draw at the same paper

Jessica said...

My mom answered, "How about a yacht? ...that will get me home."

I love your answer, Tom.

Superchilled said...

It sounds like if we all ended up on the same island together we could have quite the time! And Sue and I can go chase dolphins.

Jessica said...

Yeah, y'all do that, Trevor. I'll stay on the beach and not get nibbled on by some sea creature.

Anonymous said...

an Aussie beach twink, what else???

Nick said...

my laptop so I can always read your blog *wink*

Anonymous said...

a bit of mayonnaise & a tanning bed